Rent a cabin with boat in Orust

Our guests show great demand for having access to a boat during the holiday and therefore there are different possibilities depending on the conditions you have.
It is best if the boat is included in the rental price, but many guests are also open to rent a boat. Unless you have
possibility of having your own boat so maybe there is a boat hire nearby that can help? See in the house description what applies to your cottage or house you are interested in. We have many cabins for hire.
Our boat options are available in several variants:


Boat type 1
Rowboat 11-15 feet long with or without engine
(Engine: 2-10 HP)
Boat type 2
Motor boat 14-17 feet long (Engine: about 9-15 HP)
Boat type 3
Motorboat 16-20 feet long and Diesel cutter 19-24 feet long
(Engine: about 20-50 HP)